The final exam will be held on Monday, March 13th at 10:30 to 12:20. You will be asked to write two essays. Each essay will be selected from two options.The first essay will cover the concept of power as developed by Michel Foucault, and it's potential applications for research.
The second essay will be a more comprehensive essay that will ask you to trace themes from the course as a whole. In other words, this essay will ask you to draw on some theories and ideas from the first half of the course, but it will allow you some leeway in determining what theories and theorists will choose.
A key to this exam will be to identify themes and points of comparison between theorists--themes such as "freedom and power," "power over and power to" and so on.
Here are some sample questions from exams past. This should give you an idea of how I construct questions:
I will include questions on the final of similar content to these. 2/3 for you to answer.
1)What does Foucault seek to replace the juridico-discurvise theory of power with? Does his alternative better explain the relationship between power and human sexuality? Explain.
2)How does Young use the insights of power theorists to construct a theory of justice. Discuss at least on strength and one weakness to her use of these theories.
3)How does the power without a face contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of 4th grade classrooms?
4)In light of all the criticisms of his approach, how useful is Dahl's definition of power?
5) What is the best way to understand the relationship between power and freedom? Does Foucault help us better understand this relationship?