Saturday, January 21, 2006

Simmel, next week

I didn't post on Simmel, so feel free to send your Simmel questions and comments here.

This coming week, we turn our attention to the study of power amongst political scientists in the 1950's and 1960's, including Robert Dahl and his "second face" critics.

The first "face" of power is represented by Robert Dahl. Nice, short, easy readings for Tuesday to make up for Parsons.

What I'd like to do on Tuesday is, first, make sure we're all on the same page and have a good understanding of the first face model of power, as described by Lukes and using Dahl as an example.

Then I'd like to consider the following issues:

1) Assumptions (including unstated assumptions) of this view of power

2) Strengths of this approach

3) Weaknesses of this approach

4) Normative implications of this approach

We'll do something very similar for The second face on Thursday.

I'd like to see an online discussion get started. Use this thread to post your comments on any of the above issues regarding the first face of power and Dahl's approach. I'm particularly interested in your thoughts on his strengths and weaknesses.


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